How do you transport your zynthian?

We are very proud to introduce you the new Zynthian Suitcase!

It’s been designed with lightness & robustness in mind. It fits perfectly the v2 & v3 aluminum cases and it’s built with Oxford 600D Polyester and high density EVA foam.

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New Zynthian Kit V3

Just plug the wires and tighten the screws!

Zynthian Kit V3

I’m really proud to present the new Kit V3, a big step forward for the Zynthian project because of several reasons:

  • Pre-built: It’s completely pre-built using SMD technology, so you don’t need to solder anything. Just plug the wires and tighten the screws.
  • Zynscreen: The new official display has been specially designed for zynthian and integrates the controller interface, what simplify the assembling process.
  • Zynaptik: The new zynaptik circuit integrates the 3 standard MIDI ports (IN/OUT/THRU) and some new optional features.
  • Audio Input: The Hifiberry DAC+ ADC is the new official soundcard and integrates audio input, allowing to use zynthian as a powerful FX processor or stompbox.

We have a dream. We want to empower musicians with upgradable and easy-to-maintain machines that can be used on stage and studio. Open machines that can be used for “normal” tasks, as playing and composing, but also can be extended and hacked for going beyond that, for exploring new spaces.

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New Zynthian Kit V2+: Audio Input is here!

WARNING: HifiBerry as recently changed the specification for the DAC+ADC. It seems that the balanced input is not working as expected and it’s been removed from the specs. The new HifiBerry DAC+ADC PRO includes a true balanced input among many other improvements.

We are very proud to present the Zynthian Kit V2+, the new official flagship, featuring the amazing Hifiberry DAC+ADC as soundcard.

As you may note, the “ADC” (Analog/Digital Converter) in the soundcard’s name announces the difference: the new official kit now has audio input and yes, this makes a big difference!

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Zynthian + Pianoteq: A dream come true

A few months ago, we started the integration of a new engine in zynthian. This time it was something special as it was the first zynthian engine integrated by somebody else (Mr. Holger Wirtz, aka @C0d3man) and it wasn’t a free software engine, but a commercial product, with a privative license. Somebody could think that this is not well aligned with the spirit of zynthian project, so … why to do it?

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New Engine “Jalv”: LV2 plugins as standalone layers

Great news, @zynthianers!

I’ve been working in a new engine that allows to launch LV2-plugins as standalone layers. For doing that, i’ve used (and extended!) Jalv, from David Robillard, one of the creators of LV2 plugin specification. In his words:

“Jalv is a simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack. It runs LV2 plugins and exposes their ports as Jack ports, essentially making any LV2 plugin function as a Jack application.”

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New Engine: Aeolus, a Pipe Organ Emulator

Summer is a relaxed period and i love to dedicate some time to mind-expanding tasks. Integrating Aeolus, a “pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy playing it”, has been a very pleasant task and have given to me the oportunity of learning a little bit about these amazing machines that Pipe Organs are and its history. And of course, it’s a very good add for Zynthian 😉

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New Aluminum Case v2.1: MIDI IN/THRU/OUT + Activity LEDs

The first batch of aluminum cases for “v2 Kits” is sold out and a new one is available in the Zynthian Shop. I call this case “v2.1”, but in fact it’s the new official v2 aluminum case. This new “v2.1” case has some improvements …

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