New zynthianOS version: Oram-2502

Good news! We just released a new stable version called Oram-2502.

For those of you unaware of the latest Oram releases, you should know that Oram is the name we choose for the current release series, tributing to Dafne Oram, the electronic music pioneer that produced some of the first electronic sound/music pieces for Radio TV serials and films.

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Zynthian Kit V5 is here!

We are proud of announcing the arrival of the long-awaited Zynthian Kit V5, the latest creation from ZynthianLabs.

It’s been a long journey and certainly i could tell a good story about the development of V5, its roots, epiphanies, setbacks and sorrows, but i better leave this for a next entry and put the focus in the device itself, the V5.

We could say that the V5 is more of the same thing, but it doesn’t sound very appetizing, right? Although it’s not false at all: more design, more display, more buttons, more connectivity, more power, more usability, more quality, more integration. More can be really much more.

An amazing travel thru the Zynthian V5 internals
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New ZynthianOS version: stable-2211

It’s been a long way, but finally, the new version of ZynthianOS is here and its called stable-2211. Many things have changed, so be prepared to enjoy with the new features.

Here is the link to download the SD image:

We strongly recommend you to download and burn the new SD image. Trying to upgrade from previous stable versions is a long and error prone process so we have decided to block it to avoid people’s complains. Old stable versions can’t be upgraded!

Regarding changes, the biggest one is the new mixer screen that totally replaces the old layer list screen, but the list of improvements and fixes is huge. These are the more important ones:

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New Zynaptik-3 module

Hi @zynthianers!

We just released a new version of the zynaptik module:

and this time it comes in 3 flavours:

  • MIDI: 3 x MIDI ports (IN/THRU/OUT). Nothing more. It’s the right choice for people buying v4 kits that already include the Zynscreen display and don’t need the extended options.
  • Standard: adds 16 x GPIO (MCP23017) and include 4 x JST-SH connectors for connecting the official v4 controllers (encoders with switches). With this, now you can build your custom zynthian using v4 parts and the display you like more. The 40 pin “zynaptik” connector is also there, 100% compatible with versions 1 & 2, so you can use the GPIO ports as you like: connecting the zynface module, adding custom switches, etc.
  • Extended: adds 4 x analog inputs (ADS1115) & 4 x analog outputs (MCP4728) that can be used for CV/Gate, etc. The “extended” version is similar to the older zynaptik-2 module, but adding 4 x JST-SH connectors for the encoders.
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Outlet 2021: Zynthians with history

For first time, we are offering some old, rare & historic units from our lab and store.

First Zynthian Lab at BCN (2016)

Walking the road of developing a project like zynthian is a funny thing, but you end owning lots of zynthians. Really! Lots! And you love all of them because they are part of the project’s history, and you love the project, so you love the zynthians and the history behind every one of them, etc.

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Interview with Ragnar Jón Ragnarsson from Urmull&Kradak

Jofemodo: Why do you exist? (Urmull&Kradak)

Ragnar: Urmull & Kraðak is a cooperation art project between two friends that have been playing music for 20 years but have not until now started playing as a duet. We found the time and mental space to start composing and releasing last autumn. It was soon clear that there was an EP on the horizon. We have been so lucky to be able to get a lot of talented artist to help us, musicians and artist.

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How do you transport your zynthian?

We are very proud to introduce you the new Zynthian Suitcase!

It’s been designed with lightness & robustness in mind. It fits perfectly the v2 & v3 aluminum cases and it’s built with Oxford 600D Polyester and high density EVA foam.

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New Zynthian Kit V3

Just plug the wires and tighten the screws!

Zynthian Kit V3

I’m really proud to present the new Kit V3, a big step forward for the Zynthian project because of several reasons:

  • Pre-built: It’s completely pre-built using SMD technology, so you don’t need to solder anything. Just plug the wires and tighten the screws.
  • Zynscreen: The new official display has been specially designed for zynthian and integrates the controller interface, what simplify the assembling process.
  • Zynaptik: The new zynaptik circuit integrates the 3 standard MIDI ports (IN/OUT/THRU) and some new optional features.
  • Audio Input: The Hifiberry DAC+ ADC is the new official soundcard and integrates audio input, allowing to use zynthian as a powerful FX processor or stompbox.

We have a dream. We want to empower musicians with upgradable and easy-to-maintain machines that can be used on stage and studio. Open machines that can be used for “normal” tasks, as playing and composing, but also can be extended and hacked for going beyond that, for exploring new spaces.

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