Hi @zynthianers!
We just released a new version of the zynaptik module:

and this time it comes in 3 flavours:
- MIDI: 3 x MIDI ports (IN/THRU/OUT). Nothing more. It’s the right choice for people buying v4 kits that already include the Zynscreen display and don’t need the extended options.
- Standard: adds 16 x GPIO (MCP23017) and include 4 x JST-SH connectors for connecting the official v4 controllers (encoders with switches). With this, now you can build your custom zynthian using v4 parts and the display you like more. The 40 pin “zynaptik” connector is also there, 100% compatible with versions 1 & 2, so you can use the GPIO ports as you like: connecting the zynface module, adding custom switches, etc.
- Extended: adds 4 x analog inputs (ADS1115) & 4 x analog outputs (MCP4728) that can be used for CV/Gate, etc. The “extended” version is similar to the older zynaptik-2 module, but adding 4 x JST-SH connectors for the encoders.