New zynthianOS version: Oram-2502

Good news! We just released a new stable version called Oram-2502.

For those of you unaware of the latest Oram releases, you should know that Oram is the name we choose for the current release series, tributing to Dafne Oram, the electronic music pioneer that produced some of the first electronic sound/music pieces for Radio TV serials and films.

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Building a Zynthian Box

IMPORTANT: The information in this post is outdated. Please, if you want a guide for mounting your Zynthian Box, this wiki tutorial is the best reference AFAIK 😉

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Now that Zynthian Box specification is, more or less, closed, i would like to share with you the Bill of Materials and some advice about bulding your own Zynthian Box. I would like that other people build his own Zynthian Box and help me with software development 😉


The list is composed of generic parts and specifically designed parts. All these specifically designed parts are called Zynthian Parts. You can build  these parts by yourself using the specifications, schemes and PCB designs, or you can contact me. I will try to make these parts available at a reasonable price._1020468_fixed

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What is Zynthian?

IMPORTANT: Comments are closed in this post, please, use the forum.

Zynthian is an Open Synth Platform based in Raspberry Pi, some Open Software Synthesizers and more.

I’m trying to integrate all the parts in a realiable case with a nice and ergonomic User Interface, so everybody can enjoy this wonderful synthesizers in any place without having to install or configure anything.


When it’s finished, i would like to make it available for everybody, as a toolkit or as a finished product, so you can use it for Live Playing, Music Production or any kind of experimentation.

Of course, all the specifications will be freely available, so you can build your own device if you prefer 😉

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