6 years after the zynthian project debut in Sónar 2016, we are coming back to Sónar 2023 for celebrating its 30th anniversary introducing our new flagship device, the V5.
We will be there, in Barcelona’s Fira 1 facility, from 15th to 17th June 2023, enjoying the good company and jamming with our friends from the modular world that would give us some feedback about our eurorack module prototype:

The schedule for the workshops:
Thursday 15th
11:30 – 12:30 Winter Modular
12:45 – 13:45 Bastl
15:30 – 16:30 Antonus Synth
16:45 – 17:45 Plankton Electronics
18:00 – 19:00 Endorphin.es
Friday 16th
11:30 – 12:30 Befaco
12:45 – 13:45 Patching Panda
15:30 – 16:30 Erica Synth & Richie Hawtin
16:45 – 17:45 Zynthian V5
And for the MODULAR JAM:
Everyday from 19:30h to 20:00h
Thursday 15th:
Zynthian V5, Befaco, Patching Panda, Music Technology Group UPF,
Friday 16th:
Mutan Monkey, Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin, Plankton Electronics
Saturday 17th:
Endorphin.es, Antonus-synths, Bastl, Winter Modular
You can read all information about Sonar+D at: